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Writer's pictureLiz Gray

Prayer at Incarnation - did you know….

At 4.30pm every single Sunday we gather at 4.30pm to pray for the service and for our neighbours. We encourage (nay, expect and hope!) that all those involved in the service - including all volunteers from sanctuary set-up to nursery helper to celebrant - will come, but it is a lovely 10 minutes that EVERYONE is invited to and is a good way to begin to frame the service. Afterwards, you can welcome visitors and friends, or help others with their tasks as they set up a welcoming environment for worship. Or you are also welcome to simply sit in a pew and pray and be quiet. How often do you get the opportunity to spend 20 minutes in silence? Why not make a habit of coming to church early to join us?

From 5pm - 6pm, every Sunday we pray in so many ways - from the acclamation to the benediction and dismissal - we pray - we engage with God, we worship, we wonder. We also encourage people to fill out prayer requests on the blue cards. These confidential requests are prayed over during the week by our team of intercessors.

During communion, every Sunday, a team moves to the back and begins to pray for others - would you like to join the ‘prayer at the back’ teams? The next training is Sunday May 5, 9.45am - 11.45am at the Vicarage*. Sign up here or email Liz for more details. Praying for others in pairs always grows our faith and our understanding - and is a wonderful way for us to love each other well.

AND there is more!

  • This Saturday, March 23, 9-11am there is a Lent Prayer retreat at the Vicarage*. Do come! Sign up here.

  • On March 31, Megan will be preaching on the practice of prayer - come with anticipation to learn more and to deepen your love of God and your neighbor.

  • The next few Fridays of Lent Morgan will be leading morning prayer at Panera, Bailey’s Crossroads from 7am-7.30am. Feel free to join and bring a friend.

Want to know more about prayer at Incarnation? Ask me - I am always happy to pray with anyone about anything! Or to talk about the rhythm and habits of prayer.

With gratitude for each of you,

Rev. Liz

*The Vicarage, 5614 1st St S, Arlington 22204


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