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Writer's pictureAmy Rowe

Letter from Amy: April 12, 2023

Henry Ossawa Tanner, The Three Marys, 1910

Dear friends,

Wow. That was an Easter for the books! To quote Ginny Foran: "This Sunday was spectacular, wild, and really a joy." From twirling children processing flowers, to multiple earthquakes (planned and unplanned), to three chaotic and beautiful baptisms (resulting in a now-broken baptismal), to our five new members, to spilled wine and miraculously multiplying wafers, to the children's gospel choir (a - men!), to the All Y'all choir (how marvelous!), to the brass and bells and all the rollicking alleluias . . . my goodness. Spectacular, wild, and really a joy!

Since 2018, the Incarnation staff has watched this video on the Monday after Easter (#tradition) and I always laugh till I cry. This past Sunday was the closest we've ever come to this level of Easter chaos — thankfully with water, not fire! I share this for your edification:

One of the most meaningful aspects of Holy Week to me was the 4 hours of prayer and confession in the sanctuary on Friday. So many of you came by to pray, be still, light candles, and confess. Many of you first walked the Stations of the Cross or attended the Tenebrae service. This time was not only a blessing for our community, but for the neighborhood around Greenbrier as well. One man from the neighborhood came to the sanctuary to sit, pray, and weep. Two families from the neighborhood thanked us for making the stations available in Spanish.

I was so moved by the quiet power of that time, as so many people both inside and outside our community remembered Jesus' death, unburdened themselves at his cross, and encountered him ready to heal and forgive beneath his arms outstretched in love.

It has been a gift to walk through Lent and Holy Week together, especially for the first time as your rector. From the silences to the earthquakes and everything in between, it has been a wonder.

In other news . . .

  • During Eastertide (the season from Easter to Pentecost) we've decided to continue to preach the lectionary scriptures through the lens of "hearing God." We've heard from many of you that this series has been helpful and refreshing, so we'll keep listening for the sound of God's voice in these resurrection scriptures.

  • Casa Chirilagua will visit on Sunday! I'm so excited to welcome these faithful friends and to pray for them. Please plan to join us for lunch afterward on the Pike.

  • Small groups are open. Sign up now!

  • We are pausing on Life with God for now. More about that next week!

  • Please continue to pray about our summer worship location, and please share what you hear in prayer!

  • Lent is over, but confession is always available. Josie's guide has been so helpful for both kids and grownups. If you're curious, want to learn more, or want to schedule a time, reach out to me or Katie!

Much love,



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