During the summer, children and families of all ages are invited to Wild Wonder — a relaxed time of creation appreciation and prayer — Sundays at 9:30am before church. Children ages 3+ then remain with their families in the sanctuary for the service.
Nursery care is available for ages 0-3 beginning at 10am.
We are a multigenerational church and welcome children as full participants in our community. Adults are practicing hospitality by welcoming the noise and wiggles of our youngest worshipers; children are practicing reverence by using whispers and quiet movements. We’re all practicing becoming like little children in God’s kingdom! Read this letter from our rector to learn more about why we include children in the service. Children of all ages are always welcome in the sanctuary, and we also offer the following programs:
Nursery care for our youngest children is available at 10am in the courtyard. The nursery moves indoors to Room 142 in extreme weather, but most of the time we follow the adage “there’s no bad weather, only bad clothing” and remain outdoors — please dress accordingly! All children should be picked up from the nursery during the Passing of the Peace.
In the case of insufficient volunteers, the nursery is available on a self-serve basis; parents may use the courtyard, but must remain with their children. There’s also a small “nursery nook” for parents to use in the sanctuary during worship.