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Letter from Amy: May 31, 2023

James Keay-Bright (Welsh), Trinity Redemption, 2013 (read more about this piece:

Dear Incarnation,

What a beautiful Pentecost! The languages, the paper airplanes, the children's voices, the insightful words that were shared . . . I was so moved, so encouraged, so grateful (and I'm still singing "alabaré, alabaré, alabaré, alabaré"). While previous years' Pentecosts have felt boisterous and exuberant, this one had a gentle quietness to it that allowed us to attune to the still, small voice of God. I'm praying for all of us to keep listening together and to receive the fullness of the Spirit's gifts "for the common good." In the words of our Sunday prayer leaders, John and Inez: Come, Holy Spirit: kindle the hearts of your faithful!

And now . . . onward to Drew Elementary! We begin worship there THIS SUNDAY, JUNE 4. Come early at 9am and help us figure out the new setup over coffee and donuts! Drew is located at 3500 23rd St S, Arlington, VA 22206. We've update the Sunday worship section of the website with any relevant details, but we'll still be learning and adjusting for a few weeks, so please come patient, flexible, and observant!

A few weekends ago, we prayer-walked the neighborhood around Drew. We noticed how incredibly multi-layered this neighborhood is — historically, demographically, architecturally, economically — and the many thresholds and contrasts those layers created. We noticed how valuable green spaces and refreshment seemed to be; many people had carved out tiny, creative oases of beauty in the midst of high-density living. As you come on Sunday, take time to listen, look, and notice this new space. What stands out to you? Pray from what you observe and bless our summer home.

Sunday is also Trinity Sunday (sometimes jokingly called "heresy Sunday" among clergy, because simplistic trinitarian analogies are much easier to preach than the mystery of the Godhead). What is the Trinity, why is it central to Christian doctrine when it's not explicitly taught in the scriptures, and why should we care about any of this theological hairsplitting when life is hard and the world is a mess? Come on Sunday.

It's a gift to be your pastor. Please reach out with any questions or concerns you're carrying — I'd love to pray, listen, go for a walk, or grab a cup of coffee.

See you Sunday at DREW!!!

With love,


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