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Writer's pictureLiz Gray

Letter from Liz: June 8, 2021

"Why should the name of our father be taken away from his clan because he had no son? Give to us a possession among our father’s brothers." Numbers 27:4

Over the last few months we’ve talked a lot about who God is - focusing on the delights of a faith based on loving and being loved by our Trinitarian God who equips us with the gifts, and fosters the fruit of the Holy Spirit in our lives. God who calls us to come with the posture of a beloved child coming to a parent who nurtures and cares for every nuance of our lives. All of us encouraged to bring our hopes and dreams to God, asking for good things.

Our new sermon series kicked off last Sunday June 6 with an encouragement to us all to 'ask boldly' like the daughters of Zelophehad (Numbers 27:1-11). These remarkable young women spoke up, leading to a change in Mosaic law, an interruption of the 'normal' and an opportunity for flourishing for them, their families and for generations of young women after them. We all took time on Sunday to write down the things that we are asking God for boldly in our lives and for our community; and then we lifted them all to our good Father who loves to give good gifts to his children (Matt 7:7-11). I hope you all have some things you are boldly asking for in this season - both for yourself and for our community. If you missed the service, why not take some time now to ponder what you are asking boldly for today.

But sometimes we’re not sure - what is a good thing to ask for now? How should we ask? Does it matter that we don’t know what we need or want? How do we adjust our expectations when God seems to have ignored our prayer, or to simply not be listening? How should we hope?

Weds June 9, 7.30pm: Come to Canopy Chat and bring your stories of delightful answers and your sadness (or madness) at unanswered prayers. Come and discuss and think and hope together. We learn so much when we are in community. Katie will lead our conversation as we dive into the question of how to ‘ask boldly’.

And then next Sunday June 13, Katie will be preaching at 9am about 'how to discern' as she shares about a person she has striven to imitate... I can't wait to hear what she has to say!


June 26, 5pm: Katie and Amy will be ordained by the Bishop under the canopies. Come and pray and rejoice. More details will be coming out soon - but meanwhile keep that evening free! You won't want to miss it.

As always, we love to hear from you. Do you have a story to share about 'imitating someone'? Could you write a blog/poem/article or even draw a picture? Send it our way!

With love and joy as we ask boldly together,



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