Advent is a season of watchful anticipation as we await the advent (or “coming”) of Jesus. We remember his advent past, when he was born in a humble manger, and we look to his advent future, when he will come again in glory to make all things new.
Incarnation will mark this advent season together in many ways. On Sunday, we'll begin a new sermon series on angels, and they role they played in preparing for Jesus. We’ll use a liturgy from our brothers and sisters in Kenya, whose words and rhythms make the gospel feel fresh and accessible. We’ll hear a choir and use purple linens and sing different songs.
And we’ll have lots of opportunities to pray, worship, and serve together throughout Advent:
Praying Through the Year. On Sunday, everyone will receive Praying through the Year, a daily prayer book that follows the seasons of the Christian year. Each season contains short prayers for morning, midday, early evening, and compline (bedtime), as well as daily reading plans, additional prayers, explanations, and guidance. I (Amy) have worked with Restoration on this project for the past two years, and they have generously sponsored the printing of enough books for our congregation.
Advent Prayer Retreat. On Saturday, Dec 8, from 9-11:30am, Josie Ortega will lead a morning prayer retreat that offers a creative and quiet pause in a busy season. The retreat will be held at the Vicarage (i.e., the Grays’ house). Please RSVP on the homepage of our site.
Advent Complines. On Friday, Dec 14, and Friday, Dec 21, we will gather in homes from 7-8pm to pray the compline liturgy and sing a few songs. Dec 14 will be at the Rowes’ home, and Dec 21 at the DeRiggi/Chisholm home (aka Casa Chisriggi). Questions? Email Morgan (
Christmas Eve. On Monday, Dec 24, at 6pm, we will hold a joint Christmas Eve service with Greenbrier Baptist. Children are invited to come dressed as their favorite character from the nativity. We will have candles and carols and a retelling of God’s redemption story. Please come, and invite your friends!
Community Prayer Opportunities. Several people from our Incarnation community are adding new prayer rhythms at other times throughout Advent, and have extended an invite to anyone who would like to join them. Connor is hosting a short, simple time of contemplative prayer every weeknight (Sun-Thurs) in Advent at 9:30pm at his home in Chirilagua; email Connor ( for details. And Morgan is praying Morning Prayer on Fridays at 7:00am at the Bailey's Crossroads Panera; email Morgan ( for details.
RILA Clinic Christmas Craft. Incarnation is leading a craft for children of RILA clients on Weds, Dec 12, 6:15-9pm, at Restoration. Email Liz ( for details.
Gifts for OAR. We are collecting new, unwrapped gifts for children of incarcerated parents in the box in the narthex on Sundays, Dec 2 and Dec 9. Read more.
Incarnation takes its name from that first Advent miracle, the incarnation, when God came to earth as a baby, accepting all the limits and frailties of a human body in order to make himself known to us in a way we could understand. And Incarnation is a church that cares a lot about making God known to people in accessible ways.
Let’s live incarnationally this Advent season, making God known to the people around us through our words and actions. As a simple step in that direction, invite someone to church this Advent. You may be surprised at home open people are to invitations at this time of year!