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Writer's pictureLiz Gray

'hello' from Liz: April 7, 2020

Have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus, who, though he was in the form of God, did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped, but emptied himself, by taking the form of a servant, being born in the likeness of men. And being found in human form, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross. Phil 2:5-8

Dearest Incarnation people I so loved delivering Holy Week bags to all our regular attenders last week - I was sorry not to get to speak to every one of you, but it was wonderful to exchange a few words with most, and wave at others!  Those I didn't see - I'm sorry - but I hope you are enjoying your bag contents. If there is anything else you need, let me know....

Holy Week. It was also SO good to see so many people waving their branches and palms on Palm Sunday. I am so grateful for zoom. Honestly, it's not the same as giving each of you a hug - but seeing your faces means so much. 

There are so many ways for you to engage this week, from our 'normal' prayer times to the special Holy Week services. Please check out our website for daily details! I hope to see you often :) I am looking forward to hearing Quauhtli preach on Thursday, to Tenebrae on friday... to listening to St Matthew's Passion on Saturday... and then CELEBRATING on Sunday! I hope you also have time to go and spend time with the Stations of the Cross on the fence by the Chapel - these are such a helpful way to engage with the Passion week narrative. Perhaps you will write, draw or construct a reflection to share as a result of going? We would love to publish it on our blog if you do... Easter Sunday For communion on Easter Sunday, if you are a regular attender at Incarnation, you have already received pre-consecrated wine and wafers in the bags I delivered last week for us to feast together! I hope you will have it to hand, and will be ready….Perhaps you can put the wine in a small 'chalice' and have the wafer(s) on a plate ready for when we consume together? And then we will shout ALLELUIA! If you are visiting us, I will be delighted to offer you a blessing... I wish you were all close enough to have hand-delivered elements.

Eastertide and communion The discipline of ‘fasting’ from the Eucharist over Lent felt healthy. However, as we come to Eastertide I am delighted to say that we have worked a way so that regular attenders will be able to take communion together in the weeks ahead. I have consecrated small bags of wafers for the next 8 weeks (kindly and carefully bagged up by Beth with clean hands and a clean heart). These will be available from this THURSDAY (April 9) from the Vicarage, or on Good Friday I will be at the church from 1-2pm, or you can collect some from Beth DeRiggi at her home. I would ask that you keep the bag carefully somewhere in your home. If you join us for worship after Easter you and your household are welcome (if you are baptised and following Jesus) to take part in the Eucharist. Please take enough small bags for each of those in your household who will take communion. In the BCP2019 we will be using the Renewed Ancient liturgy through this next season. (email Beth, or me, to arrange a convenient time to collect). If you ultimately choose not to use all of these wafers please dispose of them by feeding them to the birds. Finally, a reminder, as is stated in the BCP and confirmed by our Archbishop, "Please be assured that receiving only the Bread is understood by the Church to be a full reception of Holy Communion.”  If you have ANY questions about anything, please reach out to me in the days ahead. Looking forward with huge anticipation to the day when we will consume the Eucharist together again - in person!  Praying for each of you regularly - please keep in touch with prayer requests, news and views... Your Rector and friend, Liz


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