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Letter from Amy: Jan 10, 2024

Magi, Jesus Mafa Project (Cameroon), 1973

Dear Incarnation,

It was great to be back at Drew on Sunday morning, to welcome our outreach partners from Cornerstone Schools, and to share an Epiphany potluck (shout out to Jodie Griffin for three incredible King Cakes!). I loved seeing your faces together again after a few weeks of scattering and traveling for the holidays.

But there was also a tinge of sorrow. We sang lines like "sorrowing, sighing, bleeding, dying" and prayed with the psalmist for God to "deliver the poor who cries out in distress, and the oppressed who has no helper." This sorrow was expressed most acutely during the Prayers of the People, as we remembered the many heavy griefs and losses in our own community and the wider world. Andy led us in praying for those impacted by gun violence in our cities and schools, a prayer particularly close to home for our partners in the Cornerstone community. We prayed this collect, written by Anglican priest and theologian David Taylor:

O Lord, you who abhor those who murder the innocent, be not deaf to our bitter cries, we pray, and do not abandon us to our pain this day. Hear our raging words of protest, O God of Jacob, heed our groans for justice, and meet us in this lowly and desperate place. Awake, Lord! Rouse yourself! Deliver us from evil, for your name’s sake, so that we might witness your might to save and your power to heal. We pray this in the name of our Fortress and Refuge. Amen.

Epiphany is a season of revelation, but part of what it reveals is the fragility of our human condition. Jesus embodies this fragility in his incarnation. Our gospel stories in this season show him naming and healing this fragility in his encounters with individuals, crowds, empires, and spiritual forces of darkness. As we walk through this season together, we can ask God to open our eyes to the fragility in ourselves and our world, and to bring Christ's healing presence there.

Other happenings

  • Small groups are open, and many are starting this week! There's still plenty of time to join. Most groups are sharing a meal and compline (nighttime prayer) — a simple, refreshing rhythm. Learn more and sign up. If transportation is an issue, the church has pre-loaded SmartTrip cards available.

  • Our wardens, Will and Grant, wrote a beautiful Epiphany reflection. I encourage you to read it!

  • We could really use some extra helpers loading the van after church on Sundays. (The more volunteers we have, the less frequently everyone gets scheduled!) A good workout, fresh air, and lots of cheerful camaraderie with me, Russell, and Katie around the van after church — what's not to love? Let Emily know if you're interested in helping out:

  • We are taking a Border Encounter trip to the Texas-Mexico border April 24-26. This is a wonderful opportunity to witness, listen, learn, pray for, and humanize the issues facing our southern border. I did this trip two years ago and HIGHLY encourage you to consider participating. Read Russell's recent blog post, and then reach out to him if you are curious, have questions, or are ready to sign up:

Please reach out to me or Katie if you'd like to grab a coffee or a walk - we love to hear how you're doing and to know how to pray for you.




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