3 Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! According to his great mercy, he has caused us to be born again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, 4 to an inheritance that is imperishable, undefiled, and unfading, kept in heaven for you, 5 who by God's power are being guarded through faith for a salvation ready to be revealed in the last time. 1 Peter 1
Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!
It is so good to be into the season of Eastertide - 7 weeks until Pentecost, one of my favourite Sundays…
But first, a huge THANK YOU - to you all for the ways you contributed, read, played, prayed, listened to God, shared, wept, washed hands, worshipped, made flowers, decorated the vigil fence, kept Holy Saturday… and rejoiced over Lent and Holy Week! I love our community and am also so SO grateful for Amy, Beth and Josie and all the ways they have led and served over this last season. A huge HOORAH!!! for them all. What a deeply rich season it has been.
Normally, Lent finishes and restrictions lift. We indulge in things we have fasted from, we look to light instead of darkness, we rejoice loudly and freely. And yet, of course, we are still somewhat restricted in this season. So I thought I would give you al list of things to look forward to in this next couple of months!
On Sundays:
We will be preaching from the lectionary, why not make a note to read the readings in the week before Sunday and pray for God to speak to you and to us all?
We will be having communion together. I can’t consecrate your bread over the internet, so make sure you get hold of some that I have pre-consecrated from Beth (Arlandria: beth@incarnationanglican.org) or me (Arlington: liz@incarnationanglican.org). Come ready and full of anticipation on Sunday!
Every Sunday there is an opportunity to get prayer after the service. It may feel strange asking me to let you into a breakout room - but be brave and do it! Our prayer teams are soooo good and listen so carefully to you and the Lord!
And remember, there has never been an easier time to invite a colleague or neighbour to church!
During the week:
Are you in a small group? They started this week but it’s not too late to join! It has never been easier :) Sign up today!
Midweek prayer continues: Monday compline @ 9pm, Tues/Thurs midday prayer @ noon, Weds early morning prayer @7.30am, Weds midday family prayer and kids' hangout @ 11am. Join us! Details and links here.
Praying for each other: please feel free to add requests to the prayer list and take time to pray for each other as well.
And if you feel the walls closing in at any time, or if you need something, or if you simply want to chat call, text or email myself or Amy. We would love to pray with you, encourage you and just spend time with you.
Do you have an idea for a community zoom night? A skill you could teach, a cookery class you could lead, or the willingness to just host a happy hour? Perhaps you are itching for a craft night or a singalong or …. your creativity is our delight! Beth has stepped up first with a worship night for May 7: what would you like to add? email me, liz@incarnationanglican.org to add your idea!
So grateful for Incarnation and its people!
Got any news, views or ideas to share? Send them to me!
With love
~ Liz