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Letter from Liz: August 25 2020

Summertime delights....
These guys have got NOTHING to do with the post. But they made me laugh and so I'm sharing them with you as a happy summer memory of mine...

What have you most enjoyed about this Summer? For Simon and myself, getting away for some vacation was, of course, a huge delight… and we got to spot these pigs who were just so enjoying themselves one day. Aren't they lovely? I hope they make you smile.

But a closer-to-home experience this summer, was doing the Race Literacy 101 Class at Little Lights. I thought I was pretty well informed before the class started, but oh my - I learned so much. Sign up now to get advance notice for their January class. They fill up SO fast, but the content is amazing. If you’re in our community and have already completed the class - how did you find it? Want to write up a reflection on the experience?

Also - If you have books to recommend or materials to share, please let me know - I'd like to start a list. Would you like to help curate such a list? Call me!


P.R.A.Y. This week A = Ask.

How is your prayer adventure this week? Have you taken moments to 'pause'? Have you brought your full emotional spectrum into God's presence? I so hope you have been enjoying this series of homilies on prayer, and that they are helping you make changes and adjustments to your prayer life! If you missed Amy’s wonderful invitation to ‘Ask’ check it out on podcast or video! Also - do you have any photos which represent the ways you are praying at the moment? Please send them our way! #IACprays Next week we will be looking at Y=yield. If you have prayer questions - send them in!

In her sermon last Sunday, Amy made the suggestion that you join us on Tuesdays and Thursdays at noon to pray for 15 minutes - I do hope you will think about adding that option to your work cal! Set it up as a regular reminder. But if you can't fit that in to your schedule, and if you are looking for an alternative to the BCP2019 you might find this Daily Office Booklet a useful resource.

And, in addition, week by week, we have our prayer list where we pray for the needs of the world and each other. Please stop by and pray, and add your requests.


‘Tis the season to vote! TWICE! I so hope you are all going to vote this Fall - in our upcoming vestry elections on Oct 4 and of course in the Presidential Election, Nov 3.

For our October Vestry election you need to nominate. For November's election you need to register.

You can read the nuts and bolts below about our Vestry election timeline - but the MOST important thing you can do right now is PRAY and then NOMINATE those you believe to be suited for serving on our vestry! If you want more details, or to read our bylaws please email me, Clayton Clark or Emily Williams. Nominations close on Sept 6.

And what else is going on?

  • In-person worship: Each week we offer a number of ways of getting together on Sundays: Wild Wonder, Garden Church and 9.30am Worship at the Chapel. Why not bring a friend? You MUST register if you want to attend or host a garden church or come to the Chapel.

  • How are you reflecting on this season? Do you have a thought to share? We'd love some more community reflections if you have time to share them! I'm happy to guide you through the process.

  • SAVE THE DATE: On September 9 it will be two years since our public launch... so many happy memories. As a community we are going to celebrate that 'birth-day' on Sunday, September 13. KEEP ALERT and save the date! We have some fun plans - most of which involve you be available IN THE MORNING of the 13th. Can you keep it free?

And meanwhile, keep healthy, wear your mask and keep praying!

Much love to you all,

~ Liz

Vestry Election: Process and Timeline:

Vestry: The Rector, with the advice and consent of the Vestry, shall appoint a Nominating Committee of not fewer than three persons (Bylaw 4.3) at the June Vestry Meeting (The following were elected to be the 2020 committee: the Rector and the 2021 class: Emily Williams and Clayton Clark)

Aug 25: The congregation is notified of the upcoming election and asked to submit nominations to the nominating committee by Sept 6, 2020.

Sept 7 , 2020: The nominating committee will:

  • Compile and assess the list for any potential issues

  • Prayerfully identify strengths and weaknesses in candidates

  • The committee will decide how many to interview and divide up the tasks as appropriate. (Note: When we started our first vestry last year we elected 6 people. They then drew straws as to which pair would take 1,2 or 3 year terms. Jeff and Nancy drew one-year straws. As a help to young church plants, it is permissible under our bylaws (Bylaw 4.1) for these one-year vestry members to extend their service if re-elected to 4 years. Both Jeff and Nancy have expressed their willingness to stand again for a 3-year term and so they will be on the slate.

  • Candidates will be asked to fill a questionnaire and they will also be informed about the duties and responsibilities of the Vestry. Each candidate will provide a brief bio by Sept 16, 2020.

Sept 20, 2020 : A slate equal or greater than the number of vacancies (2 vacancies) will be submitted to the congregation. Our hope is to have a slate of minimum 4 (Jeff, Nancy and at least 2 more). Candidate bios will be available to the congregation 2 weeks before the election. Feedback to the committee will be encouraged.

Oct 4, 2020: At the October Parish meeting the congregation will be asked to vote on the slate and the successful candidates will be informed by the Rector. The outcome will will then be published to the congregation.


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