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Writer's pictureLiz Gray

Letter from Liz: Dec 28, 2021

And the angel said unto them, “Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. ... And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying, “Glory to God in the highest, and on Earth peace, goodwill toward men.” — Luke 2:8-14.

Dear friends

What a delight it has been worshipping with you over these last few days as we have heard the message of Christ's birth - and the hope, love, joy and peace that the incarnation brings. I am, as always, so grateful to be a part of this community!

Christmas and an ordination - what a great combo!

And now, we anticipate - we are grateful for the 'now and not yet' of the Kingdom of God and the ways our stories are wrapped into the big narrative of God. And for Incarnation, this story includes another change as we move to worshipping indoors at Randolph School from next Sunday, Jan 2 (service begins at 10am). Read more here.

Even though we head into January and the weather is expected to get colder and colder, it feels like a hard time to move indoors as doubts about the omicron variant of the virus are swirling around - and so we will continue to also zoom our services while doing all we can to be respectful of each other's health and careful in our times of worship. We will closely monitor the guidance of our governor, instructions of Arlington Public Schools and the advice of the CDC and will notify you of any changes we plan. But meanwhile - we will be masking indoors, and then dashing outside at the end to chat and hang out after the service!

On January 2, we would love ALL of you to come at 8.30am for our first set-up! Once we have worked out where things should go we will encourage you to go out and do some prayer walking in our new neighborhood until the service starts - so come along and be part of the first page of the new chapter!

In other news:

- If you are thinking about becoming a member - please let Liz know. Next membership opportunity is Jan 16 ...

- Sign up for small groups! They are live now.... be intentional about being part of the community seeking accountability and friendship!

So excited for this new chapter - looking forward to seeing you at Randolph on Sunday! We are confident that angels will still sing with us in our new environment!

With love and prayers fas we head into 2022,

~ Liz


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