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Letter from Liz, June 4 2020

14 The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all. 2 Cor 13:14 (ESV)

This has rightly been a sombre week. Most of us have probably remained physically sequestered in isolation, but all of us will be very aware of the pain being expressed (particularly) by people of color throughout this country, and indeed the world. For myself, one outcome of being in a small local bubble, is that the raging debate in my head is louder than ever; the temptation to scurry down endless on-line rabbit trails is almost compulsive; and my brain and heart feel weary with concern and grief for this world.

On Sunday, we will take some time as we gather to pause, to lament, to consider, to listen, to pray. Come to zoom prepared to be open before the Lord as we worship together. It is Trinity Sunday, a good reminder to focus on the greatness of God and to anticipate our vision enlarging, our hope rising.

After the service I hope you will linger for our Parish meeting as we reflect on the last few months, as we look at the current state-of-play of our finances etc and then anticipate our Summer and regathering plans which have been so helpfully informed by your excellent, thoughtful survey responses. Thank you. I so hope to see you at 5pm on Sunday!

Your grateful pastor,



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