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Writer's pictureLiz Gray

Letter from Liz: May 22, 2020

Our giraffe likes to keep an eye on the world - but safety first!

Liturgically it’s been such a lovely week! A few rogation days (did you enjoy #incarnationrogationcelebration?), Ascension day and now we anticipate Pentecost in just over a week. The Eucharistic colors will mark these seasons by transitioning from white to red and then, after Pentecost, to green as we head into 'ordinary time'.

Sometimes the changes we make to the liturgy can almost slip past unseen, but all these small details are fun to notice because each one is rooted in a history of remembering. If you notice a change of words, or a different color I hope it stirs you to ask - I wonder… I wonder why… What can I learn about God from this change? How does it affect the way I see the world or myself?

So - take note! Changes are coming!

I also wonder what changes you have noticed in yourself over these last ten weeks? No doubt you have adapted to new rituals and routines. New ways of seeing yourself and your neighbor. Perhaps a fresh understanding of your resilience or capacity to adapt? Or perhaps, you’ve found yourself in a darker place, where life has been harder to navigate? All of us have good or bad days: even the most pragmatic cannot fail to be affected by the strangeness of this ‘normal’. However, if the darkness is pressing in, please get in touch. I would love to pray with you, to walk with you. If you would like to schedule a meeting for any reason you can do so by simply dropping me an email! And, if you'd like to write or draw a 'community reflection' - please do!

And now for some news:

Membership: If you are interested in becoming a member on June 7, please let me know by May 31 so we have time to talk!

Pentecost, May 31: Wear red and turn up for zoom church with anticipation as we remember the way the Holy Spirit fell on the early Christians, as we reach up to heaven and ask the Holy Spirit to fall on us too - filling us, giving us insights, gifts and developing our fruitfulness. Listen for ways and opportunities to ask the Holy Spirit to strengthen, teach and lead you in this season. To equip you for the days ahead. Never have we been more in need of the wise guidance of the paraclete.

Eucharist: If you live locally we gave you some consecrated wafers and wine just before Easter. Your supplies are probably low by now? On May 31, I will be at the church in the morning between 10-11am with fresh bags of consecrated wafers to give to you for the next few months. Come by and pick some up for your household, or collect the following week from either Beth or my home - or request a home delivery! A few people have asked me if I would consecrate their wine too! If you would like to do that please bring wine with you - I suggest a small bottle (or two?) as it needs to be consumed with respectful care. Reminder: any unused consecrated bread should be fed to the birds, and wine should be poured on untrodden ground.

Zoom: update to Zoom 5.0 today! This update will be needed after May 30…ask if you have questions!

Parish meeting, June 7: Plan to linger after church on June 7 for a parish meeting. It will last around 30 minutes, will include some rejoicing, some planning and some dreaming! Come and hear about changes we are making at the Chapel, plans for the way our on-line experience will be changing and our hopes for the ways we will eventually begin to gather. If you have questions you would like us to address, PLEASE send them to me by June 4. Thank you!

I am always ready for a walk, a phone chat or a zoom mtg.... and I would love to take time to pray with or for you as well. Call me!



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