Discovery Bible Study has as its tag line – a safe place to see for yourself what the Bible says – and that is just what we want our winter/spring small groups to be; a safe place where we, and maybe some of our friends and neighbors, can allow God to speak through the scriptures to us, where we can bring our questions and concerns, and be encouraged and supported in our journey with Christ.
We’ll read and listen to I Corinthians, one chapter per week from January to May, with a two-week break for Holy Week and Easter. We’ll see what a book that the Apostle Paul wrote to the divided church in Corinth says to us who are living through the Covid pandemic.
Simply sign up for the evening – Tuesday or Thursday – that works best for you and we’ll put you in an available group. There will be a family-friendly group that meets on Tuesday nights so sign up for a Tuesday night group if you have older children or youth that might want to participate too.
And in this time when everyone is wrestling with stress, uncertainty, and loneliness, be praying about who God might be nudging you to invite to join a small group.
If you want to learn more about the Discovery Bible Study approach check out this video.
If you are ready to sign-up, you can do that on our Small Groups page.
If you have questions, email Katie at
We can’t wait to see you!