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Why Spend Saturday Evening Discussing Justice?

So, what is a ‘discussion on justice’ and why should you sign up RIGHT NOW to spend your Saturday evening (September 10, 6-8:30 pm) with us?

Survivors of bonded labor

One of Incarnation’s outreach priorities is to support work that focuses on “justice and mercy.” Accordingly, one of our outreach partners, Justice Ventures International (JVI), works to “bring freedom, justice, and restoration to those suffering from human trafficking and other extreme injustice.” Working in South Asia in close partnership with local NGOs, JVI staff and partners identify unjust situations such as sex trafficking or bonded labor, they work with local law enforcement to rescue people out of these situations, they prosecute the perpetrators, seek restitution and resources for the survivors, and work for system change.

You might have a LOT of questions about this. How does this work? How does this relate to faith? Is this work led by local people? What happens to people after they are ‘rescued’? Or even—because this is all happening on the other side of the world, how do we know this is actually real?

We invite you to come with these and other questions—to share a meal and meet V., JVI’s South Asia Director, who is visiting from New Delhi. Having previously worked in engineering, business, and as a pastor, V brings deep ‘systems thinking’ skills, and shepherd-style leadership to JVI. He has boots on the ground, leading all aspects of JVI’s South Asia team.

Here’s what else you might be wondering:

  • Will you have enough food for me? Please RSVP by Thursday (9/8), and we will!

  • Is this a fundraiser? Well, as an Incarnation member you are ALREADY supporting JVI—so this is a chance to come and learn about what you are investing in!

  • Why aren’t you sharing V’s full name? JVI’s work is dangerous and sensitive, so none of the names of its South Asia-based staff are made public.

  • Why are YOU so interested in this? Grant and Nancy have supported JVI for years, and Nancy serves on its Board. Leigh serves on JVI’s US leadership team. We derive a lot of joy from our involvement (because we know that JUSTICE is close to the heart of God) and would love to share it with all of you!

  • Other questions? Contact Leigh:

We are looking forward to seeing you on Saturday!

Nancy, Grant, and Leigh

Note from Amy: I'm so excited for this conversation and grateful to support the work of JVI; hope to see you there!!


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