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Writer's pictureLiz Gray

Letter from Liz, Sept 29 2020

So who or what is a vestry?
Our first Incarnation Vestry: 2019-2020

Greetings, beloved Incarnation peeps!

How are you doing on this glorious Fall day?

DId you catch all the details last week in the two blogs (mine and Katie’s) about Katie and her ordination this coming Saturday, Oct 3? And also in last week’s letter the news about our FOUR ordinands? Honestly, as a small church we are SO delighted by our abundance of wonderful people doing all sorts of wonderful things! Which leads me to some more wonderful people - today’s topic: VESTRY! So read on ….

So... tell me, what is a vestry?

Definition: a committee elected by members of a congregation to serve with the churchwardens in managing the temporal affairs of the church.

Does Incarnation have one?

YES! We elected our first vestry last October when we were recognised as a congregation by the Diocese of the Mid-Atlantic. Prior to that we had an unelected group we called the ‘servant team’ who helped lead as we started out.

And do we have churchwardens?

YES! At the moment our wardens are Nancy Sung and Eric Owen. The Rector and vestry will elect new wardens in October when the new vestry members are in place.

How does the Vestry election work?

Every year, two vestry members roll off and the members of our congregation elects 2 new people to serve a 3-year term. All members have a link to vote for vestry in an on-line election this week. We should know who has been chosen by Sunday evening - I HOPE!

(When considering who to vote for this piece from our bylaws is helpful: “Vestry membership should not be considered as an honor for past service but as a commitment for future service. Prior to commencing service as a member of the Vestry, each member of the Vestry shall affirm: (1) a personal commitment to the Principles set forth in the Corporation/Church’s Articles of Incorporation, in the Nicene and Apostles Creeds, and in any Statement of Faith or other formulary adopted by the Church as a requirement for Vestry service; (2) a pledge to serve without any unresolved conflict of interest; and (3) a pledge to honor the confidentiality of all confidential materials to which the Vestry member will have access during his or her term of service.” )

What is the task of the vestry?

The vestry meets monthly and works with the Rector (Liz) to ensure Incarnation is operating responsibly, they oversee our finances, our building lease and they care for the Rector (who in turn cares for the staff).

Any more questions?

Lots more details can be found in our church bylaws… or drop Liz an email and ask as many questions as you can!

So what else is new?

  • Linger for the parish meeting after church on Sunday and you will hear all the latest news and ideas and a few tweaks for the Fall

  • We’ve started dreaming about Advent… got ideas? Let us know!

  • Have you visited a garden church yet? Go ahead - give it a whirl! Sign up today for this coming Sunday. There is also generally space in the chapel - and although we are recording we DO now do the whole service, so that is also an option!

  • And - did you know? ... grownups are also welcome at Wild Wonder.....

So grateful to be your priest,



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